A few things about the desk where I do most of my writing. It’s a tight space, but that’s just part of the way things are laid out in our home. Not much room when I need to work from edited hard copies. But it’s in a quiet room, next to the peaceful backyard, in the rear of the house. The bulletin board is empty because I just finished Book 2 and removed all the 3 x 5 note cards. It’s a blank slate, awaiting Book 3.
Above the bulletin board is a photograph of Fenway Park, home of

the Boston Red Sox, titled “86 Years & Worth the Wait.” It was taken during game 3 of the 2004 World Series. I grew up in Boston and am a lifelong fan. To the left of the desk is a picture of Ted Williams, famous Red Sox slugger. His bat swing was famously smooth. He had intense focus, and it reminds me as a writer to stay with the ball, in the moment.
I have a (barely visible) microphone I’ve borrowed from a friend. My intention is to record portions of my book. One problem is that Light Runner is mainly from the point of view of a teenage girl and I’m a guy, so maybe that wouldn’t sound quite right. It’s not first person POV, but still… On the other hand, I’ve got a Jamaican Rasta character in Book 2 and I’ve been practicing a Jamaican accent when I read for my critique group. I’d love to try it out, plus some of the other voices (Russian, etc.).